4th Year Individual Project
Sep 2021 - Jun 2022
I assisted the development of the pipe in bore articulated inspection robot (PIBAIR) platform, which was produced as part of the robotics and AI in nuclear (RAIN) initiative.
The inspection robot can navigate a 2” pipe network and map radiation for the decommissioning of Sellafield nuclear power station.

Pong - Embedded C
4th Year Project
April 2022 - May 2022
I programmed the arcade game Pong in C for the DE1-SoC development board and LT24 LCD.
An AI provides an opponent to play to against and the game can be scaled to work for different screen resolutions.
The program makes use of fully perametised code.
I also programmed Pong in verilog to compare the capabilities of the two languages.

Pong - Verilog
4th Year Project
April 2022 - May 2022
I programmed the arcade game Pong in Verilog for the DE1-SoC development board.
The game makes use of the board's LT34 LCD, pushbuttons and seven-segment display peripherals.
Behavioural Verilog, synchronous sequential logic, hardware parameterization, FSM and hardware optimisation was used to produce a fully functional game.

Embedded C Calculator
3nd Year Project
Dec 2020 - Jan 2021
I developed code to interface the Tiva LaunchPad with a keypad and LCD to make a calculator.
It can execute floating-point calculations and perform multiple operand calculations with correct operator precedence.
The calculator circuit was first simulated in TINA-v12 to test the code, then it was deployed to the hardware using the Keil IDE and the logic analyser was used to check timing.

C++ Arcade Game
2nd Year Project
Feb 2020 - Jun 2020

RC Buggy
1st Year Group Project
Feb 2019 - May 2019

DJ Tablet Business
Oct 2021 - Present
Since being awarded the Enterprise scholarship at the University of Leeds, my friend and I have received funding to develop our DJ tablet into a commercial product.
Producing a Linux based tablet has required technical skills in custom PCB design, 3D printing and manufacturing. Along with non-technical skills in marketing, branding, crowdfunding, networking and sales.
This product led me to become a winner of the University of Leeds Business Plan Competition.

Datsun 280z Restoration
Classic Car Restoration Project
Jun 2020 - Present
I have undertaken a restoration project of a 1976 Datsun 280z. I spent weeks planning and researching to make sure I could source parts.
I learned how to completely strip the car, rebuild the engine and put it all back together, whilst filming the whole process.
I prepared detailed parts listings/costings and worked to earn funds to pay for the project.

Mechanical Keyboard
Custom Keyboard Project
Dec 2019 - Nov 2020
I wanted a new mechanical keyboard but rather than just buy I went down the rabbit hole of building one.
Using the advice from the r/MechanicalKeyboard Reddit page I spent months deciding on my PCB, switches and keycaps.
Then I spent hours soldering components to the keyboard PCB and modifying to switches to achieve all the Click and None of the Clack.

3D Printer
Building a Creality Ender-3 printer
Sep 2019 - Present
To learn more about additive manufacturing and continue to improve my CAD skills, I bought a 3D printer.
This project has allowed me to become a 3D printing contractor through my course society.
Can print hard to find replacement parts for my car restoration.
I have added many aftermarket upgrades including a new mainboard, wireless printing, a dual drive extruder, all-metal hotend and an auto bed levelling sensor, which will all help to improve print quality.

Website Development
Pilates Instructor Website and Booking System
Jan 2021 - Jun 2021
During lockdown, I liaised with a Pilates instructor to design a website and booking system to enable online teaching.
I learned website development from scratch and gain industry knowledge to communicate successfully with the client.
This role included solving technical problems for customers and providing advertising advice to grow the business.
This has led to me being recommended to design websites for other instructors.

Custom PC
Gaming Computer Build
Nov 2013 - Dec 2013
Rather than buy a new PC I decided to build my own.
This saved me a lot of money and will give me the option to upgrade parts it in the future.
Through learning how PCs worked this inspired me to become an electronic engineer.
I also built PCs for my friends with customised parts to suit their requirements.

Defence Summer Intern
Working with the Future Programmes New Concepts Team:
Develop concepts for future Rolls-Royce products in the space domain.
Used systems engineering to define requirements and industry level tools for cost estimation.
Improved my understanding of gas turbines.
Represented the company at STEM and networking events.
Jun 2021 - Aug 2021
ZF Friedrichshafen
Work Experience
Working with the Quality and Production Support team:
Designed a torque angle signal simulator box to identify problems with ECUs in power steering motors using an Infineon development board.
Assisted with harsh environmental testing on motor ECUs and used root cause analysis to diagnose faults.
Jul 2019 - Jul 2019
M-TEC Engineering Projects
Work Experience
Developed an understanding of additive manufacturing and CATIA v5.
Achieved the industrial cadet gold award by presenting my project.
Aug 2018 - Aug 2018